March 7 Bible Support and Encouragement Group, with Doreen Virtue

Opening Prayer: The fastest way to lift away feelings of heaviness, is to fill your mind and heart with praise for God, as Isaiah 61:3 KJV promises us. So let’s praise God right now: “Heavenly father, I praise you, I adore you, I bless you, I seek you, I love you, I worship you, I trust you, and I long for you. You are holy, awesome, loving, mighty, glorious, steadfast, just, merciful, forgiving, and faithful. You are my rock, strength, glory, joy, salvation, defense, refuge, and hiding place. Thank you, God!
Timeline mark on video for One Year Bible: 18:55
March 7 Readings
Chronological Bible
Numbers 25:1 - 26:65
One Year Bible
Numbers 8:1 - 9:23
Mark 13:14 - 37
Psalm 50:1-23


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